Dave Pegg

Home of the official autobiography - Off The Pegg

Dave Pegg

Home of the official autobiography - Off The Pegg

Peggy's new album!

Stand Up Sit Down CD cover

Now's your chance to enjoy 10 of the fabulous songs Dave Pegg and Anthony John Clarke managed to perform amidst all the gags and laughter on their MIRTH and MISCHIEF autumn tours.

Everybody round here is crazy
Years ago, not now
Routine Love
Life in the Old Dog Yet
Irishman in Paris
Until the wall comes down
Cute Little Angel
Let me tell you how it works
Pitlochry, Loch Lomond and the Nun's gate

£10, plus £1.50 p&p
via paypal.me/standupsitdown

Alternatively, contact Julia via www.anthonyjohnclarke.com website for other ways to obtain!

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